Minorities’ Perceptions of Minority-White Biracials: The Role of Identification for Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses

Posted in Dissertations, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States on 2016-01-23 21:21Z by Steven

Minorities’ Perceptions of Minority-White Biracials: The Role of Identification for Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses

City University of New York
134 pages

Sabrica Barnett

A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Psychology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the City University of New York

Research on intergroup relations has a rich history in social psychology, with scholars devoting a considerable effort investigating factors that influence stereotyping, prejudice and discriminatory behavior. The results of these studies suggest that individuals’ cognitions, affect, and behaviors are affected by their own group memberships as well as the groups to which others belong. People generally view the groups that they belong to (their ingroup) positively, and view the groups that others belong to (outgroups) stereotypically (Tajfel & Turner, 1986). However, much of the research on social identification and subsequent perceptions has focused on socially distinct groups rather than groups that blur categorical boundaries. As such, there is a dearth of research on how individuals identify with and perceive people who belong to multiple racial groups.

To address this gap in the literature, I investigated minorities’ identification with minority-White biracials, as well as the downstream cognitive (warmth and competence stereotypes), affective (pride, shame), and behavioral (facilitation, distancing) consequences of identification across three studies. Results demonstrated that Black (Study 1) and Hispanic (Study 2) participants were equally identified with biracials and other ingroup members (Blacks, Hispanics), and were less identified with outgroup members (Whites). In contrast, White participants (Study 1) were most identified with other White people, least identified with Black people, and moderately identified with Black-White biracial people.

Moreover, Black participants stereotyped Blacks and Black-White biracials as equally warm and competent (Study 1); Hispanic participants felt equally proud of and were equally willing to help Hispanics and Hispanic-White biracials (Study 2); and both Black and Hispanic participants felt equally ashamed when a Black or Hispanic and Black-White or Hispanic-White biracial person acted in a stereotypically negative manner, and wanted to distance themselves from the wrongdoer (Study 3). In contrast, minorities perceived Whites less positively across measures of stereotypes, emotions and behaviors. Finally, consistent with self-categorization theory (Turner et al., 1987), minorities’ identification with minority-White biracials predicted their group-based stereotypes, emotions and behaviors. These results make an important contribution to the limited work on perceptions of biracial people, and extend previous research regarding the role of identification for intergroup perceptions.

Read the entire dissertation here.

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Mixed: The many faces of the multiracial experience.

Posted in Autobiography, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Videos on 2016-01-22 23:23Z by Steven

Mixed: The many faces of the multiracial experience.

The Stream
Al Jazeera English

Femi Oke, Host

“What are you?” is an often used opening question that doesn’t always have a short and simple answer. For people with more than one racial background, identity is a lot more than one word; it’s a sentence, a paragraph or a lived experience. As we become a more and more mixed race population world over, racial identity is also becoming more fluid. On the next Stream we’ll speak to biracial and multiracial people about their mixed race journey.

Joining this conversation:

David Shams, Blogger and Freelance Journalist

Julie Matthews, Associate Professor
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Naomi Kissiedu-Green and Matthew Green, Authors of Surprise Baby: The Colourful Life!

Maya McManus, Social Media Consultant

Watch the episode (00:44:04) here.

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Black like her: Is racial identity a state of mind?

Posted in Articles, Health/Medicine/Genetics, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Passing, United States on 2016-01-19 20:13Z by Steven

Black like her: Is racial identity a state of mind?

The Washington Post

Amy Ellis Nutt, Reporter

While people continue to question the motivations behind former NAACP official Rachel Dolezal’s claiming she is black, scientists say identity, even racial identity, doesn’t arise from any single place in the brain.

Individuals contain different selves, often contradictory selves, according to neuroscientists. There is no clump of gray matter or nexus of electrical activity in the brain that we can point to and say, “this is me, this is where my self is located.” Instead, we are spread out over our brain, with different areas of cortex controlling different aspects of who we are, from what we see and hear to how we think and feel.

For instance, the medial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain located just behind the forehead, is activated whenever we think about ourselves. But when we think about how someone else thinks about us — does my spouse think I’m pretty? — the medial prefrontal cortex disengages and the posterior part lights up. Culture and community, neuroscience tells us is, are important constituents of identity, which may explain why children understand social interactions before they even learn to talk. Identity, in other words, is complicated.

Carolyn Yoon, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, says she doesn’t “see what the big controversy is” regarding Dolezal’s claim to identify as a black person.

“That’s a reasonable view in my book,” Yoon said. “Identity is highly malleable and is a function of what she comes in contact with, what she spends her time doing, is interested in and motivated by. Over time that will change your brain.”…

…There is certainly historical precedence for passing as black. Effa Manley was born to Bertha Brooks, a white woman, in Philadelphia in 1900. Brooks was married to an African-American man and so Effa grew up with six biracial siblings. She, however, was the product of an affair her mother had with a white man. Although blonde-haired, hazel-eyed Effa believed she also was biracial until her teens when her mother told her the truth.

Nonetheless, Effa lived our her life as a black woman: she married an African American, lived in Harlem and became the well-known co-owner of a Negro League baseball team. She also belonged to the NAACP and the Urban League and was once profiled in Ebony magazine.

Whether it was her early life experiences, self-deception or mirror neurons — or all three — Effa Manley saw herself as a black woman, which is why she could muse to a reporter when she was in her 70s, “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to associate with white people.”…

Read the entire article here.

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Color Lines: Racial Passing in America

Posted in Arts, Audio, History, Identity Development/Psychology, Louisiana, Media Archive, Passing, United States on 2016-01-17 03:03Z by Steven

Color Lines: Racial Passing in America

BackStory with the American History Guys (A program of the Virginia Foundation of the Humanities)
Charlottesville, Virginia

M. H. Kimball portrait of Isaac White and Rosina Downs, two New Orleans slave children, c. 1863. (Library of Congress).

On this episode of BackStory, the Guys will consider how and why Americans throughout the centuries have crossed the lines of racial identity, and find out what the history of passing has to say about race, identity, and privilege in America. We’ll look at stories of African-Americans who passed as white to escape slavery or Jim Crow and find out how the “one-drop rule” enabled one blonde-haired, blue-eyed American to live a double life without ever arousing suspicion. We’ll also explore the story of an African-American musician who pioneered a genre of exotic music with a bejeweled turban and an invented biography, and examine the hidden costs of crossing over.

Guests Include:


  • The Spark of Recognition
    • Historian Carol Wilson tells the story of a New Orleans slave named Sally Miller, who sued for her freedom after a German woman became convinced that Sally was really a long-lost German girl named Salomé Müller.
  • Double Image
    • Historian Martha Sandweiss explains how the one-drop rule enabled a blue-eyed, blonde-haired geologist named Clarence King to lead a second life as a Black Pullman porter, without ever drawing suspicion.
  • “Code-Switching”
    • Listener Johanna Lanner-Cusin, who identifies as black, talks about people’s assumptions about her race, not having experiences similar to darker African Americans, and “qualifying her blackness.”
  • Blood Brothers
    • Historian Annette Gordon-Reed illustrates the fluidity of race with the stories of two sons of Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings, one of whom passed into white society while the other lived his life as an African-American.
  • High Stakes
    • Sociologist Eva Garroutte tells the story of Sylvester Long, a multiracial man who rose to silent film stardom in the 1920s after adopting the persona of an “authentic” Native American—until it all came crashing down.
  • Passing In, Passing Out
    • Brian Balogh talks with historian Allyson Hobbs about an enormous but overlooked cost of racial passing: leaving one’s family, community, and heritage behind.
  • “Guess Your Ethnicity”
    • Listener Vasanth Subramanian wishes society allowed him to choose his identity. He talks in detail about the prejudices children of immigrants face.
  • Drawing the Line
    • The Guys explain how American slavery practices created racial boundaries, and, at the same time, complicated them.
  • Playing Indian
    • Producer Nina Earnest explores the boundary between passing and performance with the story of John Roland Redd, an African-American organist who donned a bejeweled turban and rewrote his life story to become “Godfather of Exotica” Korla Pandit.

CORRECTION: This show includes a story about Sylvester Long, a man of mixed descent who styled himself as a pure-blooded Native American named Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance. We refer to him as a movie star who published a famous autobiography. In fact, Long Lance published his autobiography first—the popularity of the book catapulted him into movie stardom.

Listen to the podcast (01:05:14) here. Download the podcast here.

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A Mixed Race Feminist Blog Interview with Isabel Adonis

Posted in Articles, Autobiography, Identity Development/Psychology, Interviews, Media Archive, United Kingdom on 2016-01-16 15:37Z by Steven

A Mixed Race Feminist Blog Interview with Isabel Adonis

A Mixed Race Feminist Blog

Nicola Codner
Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

About Isabel Adonis

I’m a private tutor, artist and writer and I live in Wales. My mother was a white Welsh woman and my father was a black man from Georgetown in Guyana. He was quite a well-known writer and artist. I was born and brought up in London until I was six when my father began working in Khartoum in the Sudan. I lived and went to school there until I was nine when my parents bought a house in Wales. For the next nine years I lived and went to school in Wales and travelled to Africa in the holidays. After five years in the Sudan my father worked in different universities in Nigeria. My parents split up when I was seventeen and my father returned to the Caribbean. My mother did not remarry. In my twenties I trained as a teacher but because of an incident at the school, which I think was race related I decided I would never teach. I have four grown up children.

Do you remember when you first came to understand that you are mixed race?

Yes, around the time that ethnic monitoring was introduced in the UK in the early nineties. I had no notion of being mixed race prior to that. I was not brought up to call myself anything. However I do not call myself mixed race now. I leave it to others to do that kind of thing. I resist being categorised in this way, since it is problematic. Identification functions by inclusion and therefore exclusion. I’m not happy with that…

Read the entire interview here.

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Meet Team One Drop: Dr. Chandra Crudup

Posted in Arts, Autobiography, Census/Demographics, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Videos on 2016-01-14 03:47Z by Steven

Meet Team One Drop: Dr. Chandra Crudup

Fanshen Cox

Meet One Drop of Love’s Production Manager, Dr. Chandra Crudup. She makes sure all technical aspects of the show are in place and lends lots of other support to Fanshen when we travel. She also often calls the show and hosts our Q&A talkbacks. She has her PhD in Social Work and is an experienced actor, choreographer and theatre producer. She’s also on the Boards of Mixed Roots Stories and MAViN. We are so grateful to have her on the team!

One Drop of Love is a multimedia one-woman show exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, justice and LOVE.

For more information, click here.

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On Being Mixed Race: I am Not a Percentage or a Fraction

Posted in Articles, Autobiography, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United Kingdom on 2016-01-13 22:42Z by Steven

On Being Mixed Race: I am Not a Percentage or a Fraction

The Radical Notion

Nicola Codner
Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I’ve noticed frequently when I’m having a conversation with someone about my racial identity, I start to feel frustrated by some of the language that comes up. To clarify my father is black Jamaican, Nigerian and white British, and my mother is white British.

My earliest memories are of being described racially as ‘half-caste’. This was an acceptable term back in the 80’s, in the UK, to describe someone whose parents are of different races. People don’t tend to use this word anymore unless they are from older generations and unaware that it is not politically correct. The word ‘caste’ originates from the Spanish/Portuguese word ‘casta’ which means ‘pure’. Describing someone as half-caste is to imply they are only half pure which has obvious racist implications. This term was my first introduction to the idea that I had an identity that could be broken down into numerical fractions…

Read the entire article here.

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Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition

Posted in Asian Diaspora, Books, Gay & Lesbian, Identity Development/Psychology, Latino Studies, Media Archive, Monographs, Native Americans/First Nation, Religion, Teaching Resources, United States on 2016-01-10 21:13Z by Steven

Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition

December 2015
832 pages
7.2 x 1.7 x 9.6 inches
Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-1119084303

Derald Wing Sue, Professor of Psychology and Education
Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York

David Sue, Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington

The standard bearing guide for multicultural counseling courses now enhanced with research-based, topical, and pedagogical refinements

Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition is the new update to the seminal work on multicultural counseling. From author Derald Wing Sue – one of the most cited multicultural scholars in the United States – this comprehensive work includes current research, cultural and scientific theoretical formations, and expanded exploration of internalized racism. Replete with real-world examples, this book explains why conversations revolving around racial issues remain so difficult, and provides specific techniques and advice for leading forthright and productive discussions. The new edition focuses on essential instructor and student needs to facilitate a greater course-centric focus.

In response to user feedback and newly available research, the seventh edition reflects:

  • Renewed commitment to comprehensiveness. As compared to other texts in the field, CCD explores and covers nearly all major multicultural counseling topics in the profession. Indeed, reviewers believed it the most comprehensive of the texts published, and leads in coverage of microaggressions in counseling, interracial/interethnic counseling, social justice approaches to counseling, implications of indigenous healing, the sociopolitical nature of counseling, racial identity development, and cultural use of evidence-based practice.
  • Streamlined Presentation to allow students more time to review and analyze rather than read more detailed text
  • New advances and important changes, such as expanded coverage of internalized racism, cultural humility, expansion of microaggression coverage to other marginalized groups, social justice/advocacy skills, recent research and thinking on evidence-based practice, and new approaches to work with specific populations.
  • Most current work in multicultural mental health practice including careful consideration of the multicultural guidelines proposed by the American Psychological Association and the draft guidelines for Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC) (2015) from the American Counseling Association’s Revision Committee.
  • Expanded attention to the emotive nature of the content so that the strong emotive reaction of students to the material does not prevent self-exploration (a necessary component of cultural competence in the helping professions).
  • Strengthened Pedagogy in each chapter with material to facilitate experiential activities and discussion and to help students digest the material including broad Chapter Objectives and more specific and oftentimes controversial Reflection and Discussion Questions. Every chapter opens with a clinical vignette, longer narrative, or situational example that previews the major concepts and issues discussed in the chapter. The Chapter Focus Questions serve as prompts to address the opening ‘course objectives,’ but these questions not only preview the content to be covered, but are cast in such a way as to allow instructors and trainers to use them as discussion questions throughout the course or workshop. We have retained the ‘Implications for Clinical Practice’ sections and added a new Summary after every chapter. Instructor’s Handbook has been strengthen and expanded to provide guidance on teaching the course, anticipating resistances, overcoming them, and providing exercises that could be used such as case studies, videos/movies, group activities, tours/visits, and other pedagogy that will facilitate learning.
  • Easier comparison between and among groups made possible by updating population specific chapters to use common topical headings (when possible).

Offering the perfect blend of theory and practice, this classic text helps readers overcome the discomfort associated with discussions of race, provides real-world examples of how to discuss diversity and difference openly and honestly, and closely examines the hidden and unwritten rules that dictate many aspects of diversity in today’s world.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • About the Authors
  • Section One the Multiple Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
    • Part I: The Affective and Conceptual Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
      • Chapter 1 Obstacles to Cultural Competence: Understanding Resistance to Multicultural Training
        • Emotional Self-Revelations and Fears: Majority Group Members
        • Emotional Invalidation versus Affirmation: For Marginalized Group Members
        • A Word of Caution
        • Recognizing and Understanding Resistance to Multicultural Training: For Trainees and Trainers
        • Cognitive Resistance—Denial
        • Emotional Resistance
        • Behavioral Resistance
        • Conclusions
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 2 The Superordinate Nature of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
        • Culture Universal (Etic) versus Culture Specific (Emic) Formulations
        • The Nature of Multicultural Counseling Competence
        • A Tripartite Framework for Understanding the Multiple Dimensions of Identity
        • Individual and Universal Biases in Psychology and Mental Health
        • The Impact of Group Identities on Counseling and Psychotherapy
        • What Is Multicultural Counseling/Therapy?
        • What Is Cultural Competence?
        • Cultural Humility and Cultural Competence
        • Social Justice and Cultural Competence
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 3 Multicultural Counseling Competence for Counselors and Therapists of Marginalized Groups
        • Counselors from Marginalized Groups Working with Majority and Other Marginalized Group Clients
        • The Politics of Interethnic and Interracial Bias and Discrimination
        • The Historical and Political Relationships between Groups of Color
        • Differences between Racial/Ethnic Groups
        • Counselors of Color and Dyadic Combinations
        • Summary
        • References
    • Part II The Political Dimensions of Mental Health Practice
      • Chapter 4 The Political and Social Justice Implications of Counseling and Psychotherapy
        • The Education and Training of Mental Health Professionals
        • Definitions of Mental Health
        • Counseling and Mental Health Literature
        • Need to Treat Social Problems—Social Justice Counseling
        • The Foci of Therapeutic Interventions: Individual, Professional, Organizational and Societal
        • Social Justice Counseling
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 5 Impact of Systemic Oppression
        • Therapist Credibility and Client Worldviews
        • The Rest of the Story
        • Therapist Credibility and Attractiveness
        • Formation of Individual and Systemic Worldviews
        • Formation of Worldviews
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 6 Microaggressions in Counseling and Psychotherapy
        • Contemporary Forms of Oppression
        • Evolution of the “Isms”: Microaggressions
        • The Dynamics and Dilemmas of Microaggressions
        • Therapeutic Implications
        • Summary
    • Part III The Practice Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling/Therapy
      • Chapter 7 Barriers to Multicultural Counseling and Therapy: Individual and Family Perspectives
        • Identifying Multicultural Therapeutic Issues
        • Generic Characteristics of Counseling/Therapy
        • Culture-Bound Values
        • Class-Bound Values
        • Language Barriers
        • Patterns of “American” Cultural Assumptions and Multicultural Family Counseling/Therapy
        • Conclusions
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 8 Culturally Appropriate Intervention Skills and Strategies
        • Cultural Expression of Mental Disorders
        • Communication Styles
        • Sociopolitical Facets of Nonverbal Communication
        • Counseling and Therapy as Communication Style
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 9 Multicultural Evidence-Based Practice
        • Evidence-Based Practice and Multiculturalism
        • Evidence-Based Practice and Diversity Issues in Therapy
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 10 Non-Western Indigenous Methods of Healing: Implications for Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
        • Legitimacy of Culture-Bound Syndromes: Nightmare Deaths and the Hmong Sudden Death Phenomenon
        • The Principles of Indigenous Healing
        • Conclusion
        • Summary
        • References
    • Part IV Racial/Cultural Identity Development in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
      • Chapter 11 Racial/Cultural Identity Development in People of Color: Therapeutic Implications
        • Racial Awakening
        • Racial/Cultural Identity Development Models
        • A Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
        • Therapeutic Implications of the R/ CID Model
        • Conclusions
        • Summary
        • References
      • Chapter 12 White Racial Identity Development: Therapeutic Implications
        • What Does It Mean to Be White?
        • The Invisible Whiteness of Being
        • Understanding the Dynamics of Whiteness
        • Models of White Racial Identity Development
        • The Process of White Racial Identity Development: A Descriptive Model
        • Developing a Nonracist and Antiracist White Identity
        • Summary
  • Section Two Multicultural Counseling and Specific Populations
    • Part V Understanding Specific Populations
      • Chapter 13 Culturally Competent Assessment
        • Therapist Variables Affecting Diagnosis
        • Cultural Competence and Preventing Diagnostic Errors
        • Contextual and Collaborative Assessment
        • Infusing Cultural Competence into Standard Clinical Assessments
        • References
    • Part VI Counseling and Therapy with Racial/Ethnic Minority Group Populations
      • Chapter 14 Counseling African Americans
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 15 Counseling American Indians and Alaska Natives
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • Alcohol and Substance Abuse
        • References
      • Chapter 16 Counseling Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 17 Counseling Latinos
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 18 Counseling Individuals of Multiracial Descent
        • Multiracialism in the United States
        • Specific Challenges
        • A Multiracial Bill of Rights
        • Multiracial Strengths
        • References
    • Part VII Counseling and Special Circumstances Involving Racial/Ethnic Populations
      • Chapter 19 Counseling Arab and Muslim Americans
        • Arab Americans
        • Muslim Americans
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 20 Counseling Jewish Americans
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 21 Counseling Immigrants and Refugees
        • Challenges and Strengths
        • Counseling Refugees
        • References
    • Part VIII Counseling and Therapy with Other Multicultural Populations
      • Chapter 22 Counseling LGBT Individuals
        • Understanding Sexual Minorities
        • Specific Challenges
        • References
      • Chapter 23 Counseling Older Adult Clients
        • Characteristics and Strengths
        • Specific Challenges of Older Adults
        • References
      • Chapter 24 Counseling Women
        • Specific Challenges
        • Embracing Gender Strengths
        • References
      • Chapter 25 Counseling and Poverty
        • Demographics: Who Are the Poor?
        • Strengths of People Living in Poverty
        • Suggested Guidelines for Counselors
        • References
      • Chapter 26 Counseling Persons with Disabilities
        • Understanding Disabilities
        • The Americans with Disabilities Act
        • Specific Challenges
        • Supports for Individuals with Disabilities
        • Counseling Issues with Individuals with Disabilities
  • References
  • Author Index
  • Subject Index
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Multiracial in a Monoracial World: Interaciality Informing Academic Work

Posted in Arts, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Social Science, United States, Videos on 2016-01-10 17:25Z by Steven

Multiracial in a Monoracial World: Interaciality Informing Academic Work

University of Michigan Hatcher Graduate Library
Gallery (Room 100)
913 S University Ave
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Martha Jones, Prof. of History and Afroamerican & African Studies, co-director of the Michigan Law Program in Race, Law & History. Dr. Jones’ scholarly interests include the history of race, citizenship, slavery, and the rights of women in the United States and the Atlantic world.

Edward West, Thurnau Prof. of Art and Design. Professor West’s photographs and writing examine the lives and experiences of multiracial people around the world. His recent exhibit and publication, So Called, drew from his travels around the world photographing multiracial people.

Mark Kamimura-Jimenez, Director, Graduate Student Success, Rackham Graduate School, Lecturer, Oakland University. Dr. Kamimura-Jimenez’s research examines the college experience for multiracial students.

What Does it Mean to be Multiracial in a Monoracial World? Part of a year-long series of events that explore what it means to be multiracial in a monoracial world. This faculty panel includes: Martha Jones, Prof. of History and Afroamerican & African Studies, co-director of the Michigan Law Program in Race, Law & History. Dr. Jones’ scholarly interests include the history of race, citizenship, slavery, and the rights of women in the United States and the Atlantic world. Edward West, Thurnau Prof. of Art and Design. Professor West’s photographs and writing examine the lives and experiences of multiracial people around the world. His recent exhibit and publication, So Called, drew from his travels around the world photographing multiracial people. Mark Kamimura-Jimenez, Director, Graduate Student Success, Rackham Graduate School, Lecturer, Oakland University. Dr. Kamimura-Jimenez’s research examines the college experience for multiracial students.

Watch the entire video (01:34:22) here.

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Arguing That Black Is White: Racial Categorization of Mixed-Race Faces

Posted in Articles, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Social Science, United Kingdom on 2016-01-06 02:54Z by Steven

Arguing That Black Is White: Racial Categorization of Mixed-Race Faces

Published online before print: 2015-12-29
DOI: 10.1177/0301006615624321

Michael B. Lewis, Reader in Psychology
Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom

Previous research has demonstrated that racially ambiguous faces (blended from Black and White parent faces) are categorized as being Black more often than White. This has been taken as support for social concept of hypodescent: mixed-race people are categorized with the same race as the socially subordinate parent. The current research explores racial categorization further by using two sets of participants: those with greater experience of White faces and those with greater experience of Black faces. It was found that mixed-race faces were categorized as being Black more often than White by the former but White more often than Black by the latter group. Racial categorization of a mixed-race face, therefore, depends upon who is doing the categorizing. A face that may be argued as appearing racially Black to one person would be argued as appearing racially White to another depending on their experience.

Read or purchase the article here.

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