Daniel McNeil to be Featured Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Posted in Audio, History, Interviews, Live Events, Media Archive, United States on 2011-08-03 04:15Z by Steven

Daniel McNeil to be Featured Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Mixed Chicks Chat (The only live weekly show about being racially and culturally mixed. Also, founders of the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival) Hosted by Fanshen Cox and Heidi W. Durrow
Website: TalkShoe™ (Keywords: Mixed Chicks)
Episode: #219-Daniel McNeil
When: Wednesday, 2011-08-03, 22:00Z (18:00 EDT, 17:00 CDT, 15:00 PDT)

Daniel McNeil, Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies
Newcastle University, United Kingdom

Daniel McNeil teaches Media and Cultural studies at Newcastle University, and is a Visiting Fellow of the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation. His most recent book, Sex and Race in the Black Atlantic: Mulatto Devils and Multiracial Messiahs, documented the freedom dreams and self-fashioning of mixed-race individuals in the Black Atlantic, and he is currently writing a book about ‘Slimy Subjects’: White Liberals, Black freedom and the ethics of racial identity.

Listen to the episode here or download it here.

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Tune Your Engine – What is a New Zealander?

Posted in Asian Diaspora, Audio, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Oceania, Social Science on 2011-08-02 13:40Z by Steven

Tune Your Engine – What is a New Zealander?

Afternoons with Jim Mora
Radio New Zealand National
2011-08-02, 03:10Z (15:10 NZT)

Jim Mora, Presenter

Zarine L. Rocha, Research Scholar in the Department of Sociology
National University of Singapore

Zarine Rocha is a research Scholar in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Singapore. She’s exploring the issues of mixed race and mixed ethnic identity in New Zealand and Singapore. (00:19:25)

Listen to the interview here in (MP3 or Ogg Vorbis format).

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The Invisible Line

Posted in Audio, History, Media Archive, Oceania, Passing, United States on 2011-08-02 01:45Z by Steven

The Invisible Line

Late Night Live
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio National

Phillip Adams, Presenter

Kris Short, Story Researcher and Producer

Daniel J. Sharfstein, Professor of Law (and author of The Invisible Line: Three American Families and the Secret Journey from Black to White)
Vanderbilt University

In America race has always been a potent issue—and it’s clear from some of the reactions to the Obama presidency that racial tension still simmers beneath the surface of the American body politic.

If you were to look at the legal history of race you would see an intricate process defining who is black and who is white in America, and you would assume that there is a strongly policed colour line, especially in the Southern States. But according to historian Daniel Sharfstein the boundaries of black and white are far more fluid than they seem at first glance. He says that racial ‘passing‘ is one of the great unspoken-of traditions in American history.

Listen to the interview here (00:28:01).

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Marcia Dawkins to be Featured Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Posted in Audio, Communications/Media Studies, Interviews, Media Archive, United States, Women on 2011-07-27 04:28Z by Steven

Marcia Dawkins to be Featured Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Mixed Chicks Chat (The only live weekly show about being racially and culturally mixed. Also, founders of the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival) Hosted by Fanshen Cox and Heidi W. Durrow
Website: TalkShoe™ (Keywords: Mixed Chicks)
Episode: #217 – Marcia Dawkins
When: Wednesday, 2011-07-27 21:00Z (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT)

Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Visiting Scholar
Brown University

Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Ph.D., is a blogger, professor and communication researcher in Los Angeles. Her interests are mixed race identification, politics, popular culture and new media. Her new book, Clearly Invisible:  Racial Passing and the Color of Cultural Identity, looks at racial passing as a viable form of communication. She lectures and consults on these issues at conferences worldwide.

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Multiracial Teens Launch A ‘Latte Rebellion’

Posted in Articles, Audio, Book/Video Reviews, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States on 2011-07-18 20:19Z by Steven

Multiracial Teens Launch A ‘Latte Rebellion’

Tell Me More
National Public Radio

Michel Martin, Host

“You’re half Chinese and half European, I’m half Indian, a quarter Mexican and a quarter Irish. We’re mixed up. We’re not really one or the other ethnically. We’re like human lattes.”

So explains Asha, the main character in Sarah Jamila Stevenson’s debut novel, The Latte Rebellion.

To raise money for a class trip she and her friends began as selling a few T-shirts and labeled the effort the Latte Rebellion. But the movement soon became something much larger than they could have anticipated.

Seen through the eyes of adolescents, Asha and her friends tackle the complexities of identifying as multiracial during adolescence, when identifying as anything seems like a challenge.

“At the time I was writing it … there were still some news stories about South Asians who were getting harassed and insulted, and even assaulted,” Stevenson said in an interview with Tell Me More host Michel Martin. “And because I’m part South Asian myself, it really hit close to home. It had me worried about my relatives who live in the United States. So I felt pretty strongly about working that into my book somewhere.”…

Read the transcript here.  Listen to the interview here.

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‘In The Blink Of An Eye,’ A Change In Racial Identity

Posted in Articles, Audio, Biography, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States on 2011-07-18 18:33Z by Steven

‘In The Blink Of An Eye,’ A Change In Racial Identity

All Things Considered
National Public Radio

Michele Norris, Host

Michael Sidney Fosberg grew up thinking he was white. His mother is white. His stepfather is white. And while he never met his biological father, the assumption was that he was white too. But well into his adulthood, Fosberg found out that his father was a black man. Michele Norris speaks to him about his story that he’s told in his one-man play and his book, both called Incognito.

Read the transcript of the interview here.  Listen to the interview here.

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A Mixed Race Take On What It Means To Be ‘Free’

Posted in Articles, Audio, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Women on 2011-06-27 04:34Z by Steven

A Mixed Race Take On What It Means To Be ‘Free’

Tell Me More
National Public Radio

NPR Staff

A lonely young New Yorker finds a puppy while jogging. A middle class couple tries navigating the treacherous waters of admission to a sought-after preschool. A new mother grows jealous of the chic and thin mom living across the hall.

It’s all stuff you may have seen before—but not quite. At least not if Danzy Senna has anything to say about it.

These are all characters in Senna’s new collection of short fiction, titled You Are Free. The stories start with the familiar, but soon take subtle turns to reveal racial and other tensions lurking not too far below the surface.

Senna herself is mixed race. Her father is half African-American and half Mexican, while her mother is Irish and English. Growing up in Boston, Senna was raised to self-identify as black.

“I think growing up black or growing up biracial is something that’s part of your daily language and your daily awareness of the world you’re living in,” she tells NPR’s Michel Martin.

But she doesn’t see her work being about race or mixed race. Instead, Senna uses race as the background of her fiction, as a way to understand the culture and characters…

Read the entire story here.
Read the transcript of the interview here.
Listen to the interview here (00:13:32).

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The Writer’s Almanac Podcast with Garrison Keillor [Charles Wadell Chesnutt]

Posted in Audio, Books, Media Archive, Poetry, United States on 2011-06-20 21:51Z by Steven

The Writer’s Almanac Podcast with Garrison Keillor [Charles Wadell Chesnutt]

The Writer’s Almanac

Garrison Keillor, Host

Today in history and a poem or two.

It’s the birthday of Charles Waddell Chesnutt (books by this author), born on this day in Cleveland (1858). His parents were free mixed-race Southerners who left Fayetteville, North Carolina, for Ohio. One of his grandfathers had been a slaveholder, and Chesnutt looked white, but he always identified as black. His family moved back to Fayetteville when Charles was eight, and the boy went to a Freedmen’s Bureau school for the children of freed slaves. He became a teacher, and then principal of the State Colored Normal School in Fayetteville, which trained black teachers.

In 1880, when he was 22 years old, he wrote in his journal: “I think I must write a book. I am almost afraid to undertake a book so early and with so little experience in composition. But it has been a cherished dream, and I feel an influence that I cannot resist calling me to the task.”
It took Chesnutt a few years to get there. He was an established and respected citizen in Fayetteville, but in 1883 he decided that he didn’t have much of a future as a black writer in the hostile post-Civil War South. So he moved back to Cleveland with his wife and children. He passed the state bar exams and set up a stenography business, and in his spare time he wrote stories. In 1887, he published his first short story, “The Goophered Grapevine,” in The Atlantic Monthly. He was the first black fiction writer to be published in The Atlantic—although the magazine assumed that he was white until he informed them several years, and many stories, later…

Read the text here. Listen to the podcast here.  Download the podcast here.

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The Madeleine Brand Show with Ulli K. Ryder

Posted in Audio, Campus Life, Census/Demographics, Live Events, Media Archive, United States on 2011-06-18 02:28Z by Steven

The Madeleine Brand Show with Ulli K. Ryder

The Madeleine Brand Show
KPCC 89.3 FM, Southern California Public Radio
Monday, 2011-06-20, 16:00-17:00Z (09:00-10:00 PDT, Local Time)

Madeleine Brand, Host

Ulli K. Ryder, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar
Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America
Brown University

Ms. Brand and Ms. Ryder will be discussing multiracial students and college admissions.

Listen to the live broadcast here.

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Saturday Night with Esme Murphy Featuring Ulli K. Ryder

Posted in Audio, Campus Life, Census/Demographics, Live Events, Media Archive, Social Science, United States on 2011-06-18 02:14Z by Steven

Saturday Night with Esme Murphy Featuring Ulli K. Ryder

Saturday Night with Esme Murphy
WCCO News Radio 830
Minneapolis, Minnesota
2011-06-18, 23:00-03:00Z (18:00-22:00 CDT/19:00-23:00 EDT/16:00-20:00 PDT)

Esme Murphy, Host

Ulli K. Ryder, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar
Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America
Brown University

The interview will air this Saturday, 2011-06-18 at 19:05 CDT (Local Time) [20:05 EDT, 17:05 PDT] and Ms. Murphy and Ms. Ryder will also be discussing multiracial students and college admissions.  For wordwide listeners, the broadcast date/time is Sunday, 2011-06-19 at 00:05Z.

Listen to the interview here (00:11:48).

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