Mixed Chicks Chat Interview with Steve Riley, Creator of Mixed Race Studies

Posted in Audio, Live Events, Media Archive, Social Science, United States on 2010-04-08 01:01Z by Steven

Mixed Chicks Chat Interview with Steve Riley, Creator of Mixed Race Studies

Mixed Chicks Chat (The only live weekly show about being racially and culturally mixed. Also, founders of the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival) Hosted by Fanshen Cox and Heidi W. Durrow
Website: TalkShoe™ (Keywords: Mixed Chicks)
Episode: #147 – Steven F. Riley
When: Wednesday, 2010-04-07 21:00Z (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT)

Steven F. Riley

Mike Peden (aka The Sports Brain, or ‘TSB’) is a journalist whose film “What Are You? A Dialogue on Mixed Race” screened at the 2nd Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival. He will be interviewing Steven F. Riley (aka SilverSpringSteve) whose blog www.MixedRaceStudies.org has over 1,000 posts on the study of multiracialism.

Listen to the episode here or download it to your computer here.

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‘Passing’ Across The Color Line In The Jazz Age

Posted in Articles, Audio, Book/Video Reviews, Identity Development/Psychology, New Media, Passing, Social Science, United States, Women on 2010-04-07 23:56Z by Steven

‘Passing’ Across The Color Line In The Jazz Age

National Public Radio
All Things Considered: You Must Read This

Heidi W. Durrow

Heidi W. Durrow is a graduate of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and Yale Law School. Her debut novel is “The Girl Who Fell From The Sky.”

There are novels that are enjoyable to read and others that say something about the world.  And sometimes there are novels that are both.  Passing by Nella Larsen is one of those books…

Read the entire essay here.
Listen to the essay here.

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Mixed Race Americans Picture A ‘Blended Nation’

Posted in Articles, Arts, Audio, Book/Video Reviews, Census/Demographics, Family/Parenting, Identity Development/Psychology, New Media, Politics/Public Policy, Social Science, United States on 2010-03-05 23:02Z by Steven

Mixed Race Americans Picture A ‘Blended Nation’

Weekend Edition Sunday
National Public Radio

Liane Hansen, Host

The 2000 U.S. census was the first to give Americans the option to check more than one box for race. Nearly 7 million people declared themselves to be multiracial that year, a number that’s expected to shoot up in the 2010 count. As more of the nation’s population identifies itself as being of mixed race, the authors of a new book say Americans’ traditional ideas of racial identity are in for a challenge.

In the book Blended Nation, photographer Mike Tauber and producer Pamela Singh combine portraits of mixed-race Americans with stories of living beyond the sometimes rigid notions of race. The husband-and-wife team tell host Liane Hansen they wanted to highlight the personal experiences of life between categories.

“We really wanted to know what it was like for somebody who checks more than one box to exist in that realm,” Tauber says…

Read the entire story here.
Listen to the story here.

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Reimagining The ‘Tragic Mulatto’ [Interview with Author Heidi W. Durrow]

Posted in Audio, Live Events, Media Archive, Social Science, United States, Women on 2010-03-03 00:30Z by Steven

Reimagining The ‘Tragic Mulatto’ [Interview with Author Heidi W. Durrow]

All Things Considered
National Public Radio

Michele Norris, Host
All Things Considered

Like so many children of mixed marriages, the author Heidi Durrow has often felt like she’s had to straddle two worlds.

She is the daughter of a black serviceman and a white Danish mother.

Her own personal search for identity inspired her debut novel, The Girl Who Fell From The Sky. The story revolves around a girl who moves across the country to live with her grandmother after surviving a family tragedy.

The book has received breathless critical acclaim, and it was awarded the Bellwether Prize for fiction that addresses issues of social justice…

Read the entire story and an excerpt from the book here.  Listen to the interview here.

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NPR’s All Things Considered Interview with Heidi W. Durrow

Posted in Audio, Live Events, New Media, United States, Women on 2010-03-02 16:55Z by Steven

NPR’s All Things Considered Interview with Heidi W. Durrow

All Things Considered
National Public Radio
2010-03-02, 21:00 to 23:00Z

Heidi W. Durrow

Heidi W. Durrow, author of the new Bellwether Prize winning novel, The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, is scheduled to be interviewed on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered today (Tuesday, March 2, 2010 between 16:00 and 18:00 EST).  Please check your local NPR affiliate for actual broadcast times.

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From: KNPR in Nevada: A Conversation About Race and Ethnicity in America

Posted in Audio, Live Events, Media Archive, Politics/Public Policy, United States on 2009-08-27 00:05Z by Steven

From: KNPR in Nevada: A Conversation About Race and Ethnicity in America  (2008-08-22)

We continue our conversation about race and ethnicity in America when we host a joint broadcast [on 2008-08-22] with KCEP-FM.  KCEP’s Patricia Cunningham joins us with UNLV [University of Nevada at Las Vegas] Professor Rainier Spencer and Pastor Robert Fowler of The Victory Missionary Baptist Church.

Rainer Spencer appears at 09:35 in the program and discusses ‘Generation Mix’ and other issues.

Pictured right are: KCEP Radio Host Patricia Cunningham, KNPR’s State of Nevada Show Host Dave Berns, KCEP IT Mgr and Asst Program Coordinator Ashton Ridley, Prof Rainier Spencer, KCEP Program Mgr Craig Knight and Pastor Robert Fowler (left to right).

Listen the recorded audio (00:47:28) stream here.
Download the recorded audio (00:47:28) file here.

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Dr. Maria P. P. Root Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Posted in Audio, Census/Demographics, Identity Development/Psychology, Interviews, Live Events, Media Archive, United States, Women on 2009-08-06 03:51Z by Steven

Dr. Maria P. P. Root Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Mixed Chicks Chat (The only live weekly show about being racially and culturally mixed. Also, founders of the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival) Hosted by Fanshen Cox, Heidi W. Durrow
Website: TalkShoe™ (Keywords: Mixed Chicks)
Episode: #113 – Maria P. P. Root, Ph.D.
Wednesday, 2009-08-07, 21:00Z (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT)

Maria P. P. Root, Ph.D.

Maria P. P. Root, Ph.D., born in Manila, Philippines, grew up in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from the University of California at Riverside in 1977 with degrees in Psychology and Sociology. She subsequently attended Claremont University in Claremont, California receiving her Masters degree in Cognitive Psychology in 1979. She completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle in 1983 with an emphasis in minority mental health. Dr. Root resides in Seattle, Washington where she is an independent scholar and clinical psychologist. She has been in practice for over 20 years. Her general practice focuses on adult and adolescent treatment therapy, which includes working with families and couples. Dr. Root’s working areas of knowledge are broad with emphasis on culturally competent practice, life transition issues, trauma, ethnic and racial identity, workplace stress and harassment, and disordered eating. In the early 1980s, she established a group treatment program for bulimia that grew out of her dissertation work. Subsequently, she trained other professionals to recognize and treat people with a range of disordered eating symptoms. She continues to treat people with eating disorders. Dr. Root’s practice also includes formal psychological evaluation. She works as a consultant to several law enforcement departments. She also works as an expert witness in forensic settings performing evaluations and offering expert testimony in matters that require cultural competence and/or knowledge of racism or ethnocentrism. Dr. Root is a trainer, educator, and public speaker on the topics of multiracial families, multiracial identity, cultural competence, trauma, work place harassment, and disordered eating. She has provided lectures and training in New Zealand, England, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States for major universities, professional organizations, grassroots community groups, and student organizations. Dr. Root’s publications cover the areas of trauma, cultural assessment, multiracial identity, feminist therapy, and eating disorders. One of the leading authorities in the field of racial and ethnic identity, Dr. Root published the first contemporary volume on mixed race people, Racially Mixed People in America (1992). Including this book, she has edited two award-winning books on multiracial people and produced the foundational Bill of Rights for Racially Mixed People. The U.S. Census referred to these texts in their deliberations that resulted in an historic  “check more than one” format to the race question for the 2000 census. Dr. Root is past-President of the Washington State Psychological Association and the recipient of national and international awards from professional and community organizations. She is also a clay artist, and maintains a website about her work at Primitiva Pottery and Tile.

Listen to the episode here. Download the episode here.

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Harvard Professor Kimberly McClain DaCosta Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Posted in Audio, Interviews, Live Events, Media Archive, Social Science on 2009-05-08 19:02Z by Steven

Harvard Professor Kimberly McClain DaCosta Guest on Mixed Chicks Chat

Mixed Chicks Chat (The only live weekly show about being racially and culturally mixed.)
Website: TalkShoe™ (Keywords: Mixed Chicks)
Episode: #101 – Dr. Kimberly McClain DaCosta
When: 2009-05-08, 21:00Z 

Kimberly McClain DaCosta, Associate Professor
Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University

Kimberly McClain DaCosta is Associate Professor of African and African American Studies and of Social Studies at Harvard. Professor DaCosta received her doctorate in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Program at Yale, is a recipient of a fellowship from the Advertiser’s Educational Foundation, and was a 2004-2005 fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Professor DaCosta is interested in the intersections of cultural ideas of race and family and their practical effects. Her book Making Multiracials: State, Family and Market in the Redrawing of the Color Line (Stanford University Press) examines how multiracialism emerged as a topic of public discussion in the last quarter century, and how “multiracial” became a recognizable social category and mode of identification.

Click here to listen to the episode.

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