Tracing Your “Routes”Posted in Anthropology, Autobiography, Judaism, Media Archive, Religion, United States, Videos on 2016-10-14 15:35Z by Steven |
TEDx Talks: TEDxSBUWomen
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Zebulon Miletsky, Professor of Africana Studies
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
“He’s gonna have a hard time proving he’s a brother.”
Dr. Zebulon Miletsky discusses his journey through the multiple worlds of race and identity as he shares his experiences with researching his own family genealogy, the various “routes” this process led him to and how “tracing your routes” can lead to more than just knowledge about your background–it’s about how we treat one another along those “routes”.
Dr. Zebulon Miletsky teaches African-American History at Stony Brook University where he is an Assistant Professor of Africana Studies. He is the author of numerous articles, essays and most recently a book chapter that appeared in the anthology “Obama and the Biracial Factor: The Battle for a New American Majority” which traces the contested meanings throughout history of terminology for multiracial people and the role that this historical legacy of “naming” plays into how President Obama is read as African American, but still asserts a strategic biracial identity through the use of language, symbols, and interactions with the media. Miletsky who is half-Jewish (white) and African-American/Afro-Caribbean, has done a great deal of genealogical research for a book manuscript in progress and is in the process of researching his own family tree. He lives in Brooklyn.