Birth certificates have always been a weapon for white supremacistsPosted in Articles, History, Law, Media Archive, United States, Virginia on 2019-08-31 20:23Z by Steven |
Birth certificates have always been a weapon for white supremacists
The Washington Post
Susan Pearson, Associate Professor of History
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
(Bigstock) (ziimmytws/Bigstock)
Policing the color line through vital documents.
The Trump administration’s decision to revive and expand the Bush and Obama-era practice of denying U.S. passports to Latinos born in South Texas should come as no surprise. From his assault on Barack Obama’s citizenship to his allegations that Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists to his promise to institute a Muslim ban, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he believes the only true Americans are white.
But long before Trump rode to prominence promoting birtherism, birth certificates were an important instrument for policing the racial boundaries of citizenship. In the Jim Crow era, states used these seemingly innocuous public records to ensure that the rights of citizenship were accessible to white Americans — and no one else.
The best example of this comes from the career of Walter Plecker. Plecker, the state registrar of vital statistics in Virginia from 1912 to 1946, worked with the white-supremacist Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America to persuade the state legislature to pass the 1924 Racial Integrity Act…
Read the entire article here.