Freedom on the Border: The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas

Posted in Anthropology, Books, History, Media Archive, Monographs, Native Americans/First Nation, Slavery, Texas, United States on 2011-03-11 22:26Z by Steven

Freedom on the Border: The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas

Texas Tech University Press
256 pages
8.9 x 6 x 0.6 inches
Paper ISBN-10: 0896725162, ISBN-13: 978-0896725164

Kevin Mulroy, Associate University Librarian
University of California, Los Angeles

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, black runaways braved an escape from slavery in an unprecedented alliance with Seminole Indians in Florida. This is the story of the maroons’ ethnogenesis in Florida, their removal to the West, their role in the Texas Indian Wars, and the fate of their long quest for liberty and self-determination along both sides of the Rio Grande. Their tale is rich, colorful, and epic, stretching from the swamps of the Southeast to the desert Southwest. From a borderlands mosaic of slave hunters, corrupt Indian agents, Texas filibusters, Mexican revolutionaries, French invaders, Apache and Comanche raiders, frontier outlaws, lawmen, and Buffalo Soldiers, emerges a saga of enslavement, flight, exile, and ultimately freedom.

Table of Contents

1. Florida Maroons
2. Emigrants from Indian Territory
3. Los Mascogos
4. The Seminole Negro Indian Scouts
5. Classifying Seminole Blacks
6. In Search of Home
7. Either Side of a Border

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Black Seminole Involvement and Leadership During the Second Seminole War, 1835-1842

Posted in Dissertations, History, Media Archive, Native Americans/First Nation, Slavery, United States on 2011-03-10 04:05Z by Steven

Black Seminole Involvement and Leadership During the Second Seminole War, 1835-1842

Indiana University
May 2007
228 pages

Anthony E. Dixon

A Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of History Indiana University

This thesis examines the involvement, leadership, and impact of the Black Seminoles during the Second Seminole War. In Florida, free Blacks, runaway slaves, and Blacks owned by Seminoles collectively became known as Black Seminoles. Black Seminoles either lived in separate communities near Seminole Indians, or joined them by cohabitating or intermarriage. Throughout this cohabitation, Blacks became an integral part of Seminole life by taking positions as advisers, counselors, and trusted interpreters to the English (who were rapidly advancing plantation society into territorial Florida).

By the advent of the Second Seminole War, Black Seminoles, unlike their Seminole Indian counterparts were not given the opportunity to emigrate westward under the United States government’s Indian Removal Policy. The United States government’s objective became to return as many Black Seminoles, if not all, to slavery. Therefore, it became the Black Seminole’s objective to resist enslavement or re-enslavement (for many) on American plantations.

The Introduction explains the objective and focus of this study. Moreover, it explains the need and importance of this study while examining the historiography of the Second Seminole War in relation to the Black Seminoles. The origins and cultural aspects of the Black Seminoles is the topic of chapter one. By examining the origins and cultural aspects of the Black Seminoles, this study establishes the autonomy of the Black Seminoles from their Indian counterparts. Chapter two focuses on the relationship and alliance between Seminole Blacks and Indians. Research concerning Black Seminole involvement throughout the war allows chapter three to reconstruct the Second Seminole War from the Black Seminole perspective. A biographical approach is utilized in chapter four in order to understand the Black Seminole leadership. This chapter examines the lives of the three most prominent Black Seminole leaders during the war. The overall impact of the Black Seminole involvement in the war is the focus of chapter five. Chapter six summarizes this study and provides the historiography of the Second Seminole War with a perspective that has remained relatively obscure.

It is clear that from the onset of the war, the United States government, military, and state militias grossly underestimated both the determination and the willingness of the Black Seminole to resist at all cost. Throughout the war, both United States’ military and political strategies were constructed and reconstructed to compensate for both the intensity with which the Black Seminoles fought as well as their political savvy during negotiations. This study examines the impact of the Black Seminoles on the Second Seminole War within the context of marronage and subsequently interprets the Second Seminole War itself as a form of slave rebellion.

Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Acknowlegements
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Table of Illustrations
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Origins and Cultural Character of the Black Seminole
  • Chapter 2: Seminole and Black Seminole Alliance
  • Chapter 3: Black Seminole Early Resistance and Involvement During the Second Seminole War
  • Chapter 4: Black Seminole Leadership During the Second Seminole War
  • Chapter 5: The Impact of the Black Seminoles on the Second Seminole War
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Table of Illustrations

  • Afro-Seminole Creole Language
  • Annual Distribution of Runaway Slaves

Read the entire dissertation here.

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The Seminole Freedmen: A History

Posted in Anthropology, History, Media Archive, Native Americans/First Nation, Slavery, United States on 2011-01-23 18:19Z by Steven

The Seminole Freedmen: A History
University of Oklahoma Press
480 pages
6″ x 9″
Hardcover ISBN: 9780806138657

Kevin Mulroy, Associate University Librarian
University of California, Los Angeles

Captures the distinct identity and history of the Seminole maroons

Popularly known as “Black Seminoles,” descendants of the Seminole freedmen of Indian Territory are a unique American cultural group. Now Kevin Mulroy examines the long history of these people to show that this label denies them their rightful distinctiveness. To correct misconceptions of the historical relationship between Africans and Seminole Indians, he traces the emergence of Seminole-black identity and community from their eighteenth-century Florida origins to the present day.

Arguing that the Seminole freedmen are neither Seminoles, Africans, nor “black Indians,” Mulroy proposes that they are maroon descendants who inhabit their own racial and cultural category, which he calls “Seminole maroon.” Mulroy plumbs the historical record to show clearly that, although allied with the Seminoles, these maroons formed independent and autonomous communities that dealt with European American society differently than either Indians or African Americans did.

Mulroy describes the freedmen’s experiences as runaways from southern plantations, slaves of American Indians, participants in the Seminole Wars, and emigrants to the West. He then recounts their history during the Civil War, Reconstruction, enrollment and allotment under the Dawes Act, and early Oklahoma statehood. He also considers freedmen relations with Seminoles in Oklahoma during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

Although freedmen and Seminoles enjoy a partially shared past, this book shows that the freedmen’s history and culture are unique and entirely their own.

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Navigating Racial Boundaries: The One-Drop Rule and Mixed-Race Jamaicans in South Florida

Posted in Caribbean/Latin America, Dissertations, History, Identity Development/Psychology, New Media, Social Science, United States on 2010-09-01 05:08Z by Steven

Navigating Racial Boundaries: The One-Drop Rule and Mixed-Race Jamaicans in South Florida

Florida International University
343 pages

Sharon E. Placide

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Comparitive Sociology

Like many West Indians, mixed-race Jamaican immigrants enter the United States with fluid notions about race and racial identifications that reflect socio-political events in their home country and that conflict with the more rigid constructions of race they encounter in the U.S. This dissertation explores the experiences of racially mixed Jamaicans in South Florida and the impact of those experiences on their racial self-characterizations through the boundary-work theoretical framework. Specifically, the study examines the impact of participants’ exposure to the one-drop rule in the U.S., by which racial identification has been historically determined by the existence or non-existence of black forebears. Employing qualitative data collected through both focus group and face-to-face semi-structured interviews, the study analyzes mixed-race Jamaicans’ encounters in the U.S. with racial boundaries, and the boundary-work that reinforces them, as well their response to these encounters. Through their stories, the dissertation examines participants’ efforts to navigate racial boundaries through choices of various racial identifications. Further, it discusses the ways in which structural forces and individual agency have interacted in the formation of these identifications. The study finds that in spite of participants’ expressed preference for non-racialism, and despite their objections to rigid racial categories, in seeking to carve out alternative identities, they are participating in the boundary-making of which they are so critical.

Table of Contents

    • Theoretical Framework
    • Rationale for Population and Location of Study
    • Research Methodology and Data Analysis
    • Defining Terms
    • Challenges and Limitations
    • Chapter Descriptions
    • Race as a Social Construction
    • Section 1 Race and Mixed-Race During Slavery: The Social Construction of the One-Drop Rule
      • The Construction of Race During Slavery
      • Miscegenation and the Emergence of the One-Drop Rule
    • Section 2 The Rise and Crystallization of Bright Boundaries
      • Contesting Racial Boundaries: Abolitionists, Free Negroes and Slaves Oppose Slavery
      • White Response: Entrenchment of Racist Ideology
      • Emancipation and Reconstruction Blur Boundaries
      • Southern Whites Defend their Status, Strengthening Racial Divides
      • Crystallization of the Bright Boundary: The One-Drop Rule
      • Mulattoes, Blacks, and Boundary-Work
      • Science Supports the One-Drop Rule
    • Section 3 Blurring Racial Boundaries
      • The Civil Rights Movement and its Impact
      • The Multi-Racial Challenge to the One-Drop Rule
      • Why the One-Drop Rule Persists
      • Chapter Conclusion
    • Clarification of Terms: Color and Race
    • Section 1 Construction of Bright Boundaries: Formation of a Tripartite Color Hierarchy During Slavery (1655 to 1834)
      • African Slavery and the Beginnings of Race Ideology
      • The Impact of Demography
      • Miscegenation, Free Browns, and the Status Mixed Progeny (Slave and Free)
      • Free Browns Become Buffer
    • Section 2 Boundary Blurring: Color and Social Status from Abolition to the Independence (1834 to 1962)
      • Loss of Labor and Decline of the White Planting Class
      • Boundary-Blurring Continues: Rise of the Brown Class And Black Social Mobility
      • Complicating the Color Hierarchy: East Indians, Chinese, “Syrian” Immigrants
      • Creole Multiracialism Versus Black Nationalism
      • Persistence of a Color Hierarchy
    • Section 3 Boundary-Shifting: Race, Color and Social Status after Independence (1962 to present)
      • Boundary-Blurring: Race, Color, and Social Location
      • Color as Symbolic and Social Boundary
      • Chapter Conclusion
    • Race is Not Important
    • Intersectionality: Class Plus Race
    • Color Draws Boundaries in Jamaica
    • Chapter Conclusion
    • Race Draws Bright Boundaries in the U.S.: The Centrality of Race Boundary Maintenance: Two Worlds
    • South Florida: Three Worlds?
    • Theoretical Discussion
    • Chapter Conclusion
    • I am Jamaican – Ethnic (Post-Racial) Identification
    • Racial Identification Choices
    • Factors Affecting Jamaicans’ Immigrants Racial Identifications
    • Choice or No Choice? The Impact of Structure on Agency and Vice Versa
    • Mixed-Race Jamaicans Doing Boundary-Work
    • Chapter Conclusion
    • Findings
    • Limitations and Directions for Future Research
    • VITA

Read the entire dissertation here.

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