Miscegenation Illustrated

Posted in Anthropology, Articles, Caribbean/Latin America, Media Archive, United States on 2013-01-30 17:01Z by Steven

Miscegenation Illustrated

Columbus Daily Enquirer
Columbus, Georgia
page 2, column 3

Source: Digital Library of Georgia

Extracts from a new Book of Travel, by an American Physician.

The Mixture of Race in Peru.

The aboriginal race was the Indian; and subsequently there came into the country the Spaniard, the negro, and more recently the Chinaman; to enable one to come to tolerably correct conclusions as to results, when it is addded that the proposal of North American miscegenation has in South America been practically applied. To wit:

  • The white and Indian have given to Peru to mestizo.
  • White and negro, the mulatto.
  • White and Chinese, the chino-blando.
  • Indian and Chinese, the chino cholo.
  • Negro and Chinese, the zamto-chino.
  • Indian and negro, the chino.
  • White and mulatto, the courteron.
  • White and mestiza, the creole—so called here, but altogether different from the creole of the Southern States of North America.
  • Indian and mulatto, the chino-oscuro.
  • Indian and mestiza, the zambo-negro.
  • Negro and mulatto, the zambo-negro.
  • Negro and mestiza, the mulatto oscuro.

With these data, and knowing that the created distinctions of the primary races have been shamelessly disregarded by man, and that the baser passions have subverted reason, sentiment and sympathy, the many modifications of admixture and relative proportions of blood may be surmised which characterize a population presenting a greater variety of tints, of physical and mental endowments, than can be found probably elsewhere in the world.

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