Do you identify as a Biracial (Black and White) Activist?Posted in Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Wanted/Research Requests/Call for Papers, Women on 2018-01-06 21:15Z by Steven |
Do you identify as a Biracial (Black and White) Activist?
Alliant International University, San Francisco
Brittany Cooper, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology
California School of Professional Psychology
Alliant International University, San Francisco, California
Win a $50 Visa Gift Card!
Do you identify as a Biracial (Black and White) woman?
We want to learn more about how you use your voice as an activist!
You are invited to participate in a study about Biracial women’s identity and activist expression. If you are at least 18 years old, we would like to hear your thoughts in confidential interviews. Your participation can place you in a raffle for a chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card!
To participate, please contact:
If you have any questions or concerns about this study please contact B. Cooper, MA, Alliant International University, at:
Approved by Alliant International University Institutional Review Board.