Categorization of racial/ethnic identity for racialized and marginalized biracials in the mainland United StatesPosted in Dissertations, Economics, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Women on 2012-04-15 00:36Z by Steven |
California State University, Sacramento
Spring 2009
169 pages
Estrella Valdez
THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in SPECIAL MAJOR (Ethnic Studies)
There is no singular agreed-upon understanding of what it means to be identified as biracial in the mainland United States, especially when a person is the product of the union of two marginalized ethnicities. For decades, the hegemonic (white) group has set in place values and social forces that do not allow biracials to fully embrace all parts their ethnic identities. Marginalizing this group has not only led to a misunderstanding of their needs in social and institutional settings, but has caused confusion in the individual when they attempt to define who they are racially. This group of biracials is one of the fastest-growing segments of the United States population; they need to be understood and their needs met. In order to do this, changes in existing laws and socials forces must be addressed. Twelve women, all products of minority-minority unions, were interviewed for this study. Using a qualitative approach, biethnic/biracial participants used their own voices to offer first-hand accounts of their life experiences without persistent hegemonic influences or the influence of the researcher. An examination of the historical construction of race through miscegenation laws, the United States Census, existing studies on biracial self-identfication was also used to determine how and what processes and social conditions impact identity formation. What was ultimately learned from the results of the study is that social class and economics together-not just race serve as the catalyst for the division of society. Participants who had a more stable economic base were more comfortable with their racial self-identity; participants who were raised by a single parent did not have a very stable economic base and struggled more in the formation of their racial self-identity.
- Acknowledgments
- List of Tables
- List of Figures
- Statement of the Problem
- Racial Designations
- Definition of Terms
- Historical Construction of Race
- Subjugation of People of Color
- Relationship of Identity Formation in the United States
- Literature Supporting the Role and Rule of Hypodescent as an Influence in Identity Construction
- Literature Supporting the Effect of Miscegenation Laws as an Influence in Racial Identity Construction
- Literature Supporting the Effect of the United States Census as an Influence in Racial Identity Construction
- The Construction of Identity Formation
- Literature Supporting the Influence of Social and Peer Forces in Racial Identity Construction
- Literature Supporting the Influence of Parents as Forces in Racial Identity Construction
- Literature Supporting the Individual as Force in Racial Identity Construction
- Summary and Conclusion
- Historical Construction of Race
- Introduction and Overview
- Research Design
- Criteria
- Research Questions and Guiding Questions
- Constraints
- Data Analysis
- Summary and Conclusion
- Narrative Portraits
- Morar Suave
- Mercy Lamb
- Jenny Jones
- Ella Bee
- Hilary Mahler
- Who Am I?
- Discussion and Analysis
- New Census Overview
- The Multi-Group Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM)
- Naming: Who am I?
- How Do I Belong?
- Where Do I Belong?
- Where Do I fit With My Parents
- Summary and Conclusion
- Narrative Portraits
- Reason for the Study
- Next Steps
- Appendix A. Research Subjects’ Bill of Rights
- Appendix B. Informed Consent
- Appendix C. Ethnic Self-Identification Inventory
Read the entire thesis here.