This edition: Moiya McTier, Mekita Rivas and Tanya HernandezPosted in Asian Diaspora, Autobiography, Law, Media Archive, United States, Videos, Women on 2019-01-19 05:29Z by Steven |
This edition: Moiya McTier, Mekita Rivas and Tanya Hernandez
Shades of U.S.
The City University of New York
Original tape date: 2018-10-19
First aired: 2019-01-17
From a cabin in the woods without running water to astronomy Ph.D. candidate, Moiya McTier uses her platform to advocate for women of color in the sciences. Then, growing up Filipina and Mexican in Nebraska could be confusing, but Mekita Rivas finds her style as a fashion journalist. And last, Hell’s Kitchen-bred Tanya Hernández knows discrimination first hand, so she builds a legal career fighting it.
Guest List
- Tanya Hernández Professor of Law, Fordham University [and author of Multiracials and Civil Rights: Mixed-Race Stories of Discrimination]
- Moiya McTier PhD Candidate, Columbia University
- Mekita Rivas Freelance Writer
Watch the entire episode (00:26:46) here.