Study of HLA antigens of the Martinican populationPosted in Articles, Caribbean/Latin America, Health/Medicine/Genetics, Media Archive on 2011-04-03 04:39Z by Steven |
Study of HLA antigens of the Martinican population
Tissue Antigens
Volume 26, Issue 1 (July 1985)
pages 1–11
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0039.1985.tb00928.x
Nicole Monplaisir
Blood Transfusion Center of Martinique
Ignez Valette
Blood Transfusion Center of Martinique
Virginia Lepage
Groupe de Recherches d’Immunogenetique de la Transplatation Humaine, INSERM – U 93, Paris, France
Veronique Dijon
Blood Transfusion Center of Martinique
Elizabeth Lavocat
Blood Transfusion Center of Martinique
Colette Ribal
Blood Transfusion Center of Martinique
Colette Raffoux
Groupe de Recherches d’Immunogenetique de la Transplatation Humaine, INSERM – U 93, Paris, France
This is the first time a study has been undertaken on the HLA profile of the Martinican population, a population which is essentially the product of intermixture between African-Negroes and French Caucasians. Two hundred and thirty-eight non-related subjects were typed for the A and B loci, 158 subjects for C locus and 128 for DR locus.
After analysis of our parameters (antigen and gene frequencies, linkage disequili-bria, etc.) and their comparison to those found in the Black and Caucasian control populations, we came to the conclusion that our racially-mixed population is closer to the African-Negro population than to the French Caucasian. A study of the average gene flow enabled us to evaluate the Caucasian contribution as being about 30%. This figure is subject to change inasmuch as racial intermixture continues. Socio-cultural variables are assumed to play a minimal role, given the high rate of illegitimacy.
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